
I know, I know, this sounds pretty trippy right..? But what if it can be done?

Full disclosure: I’m not insane, nor do I do any drugs or I am currently drunk while writing these lines. If I am totally honest, this idea bursted into my head while having cookies and milk, after putting my son to sleep the other night.

Like many of you out there, I am an avid, curiosity driven thinker about space, time, infinity and quantum physics. As a proud member of the ASD community my mind never goes to rest, with hundreds of ideas always swarming through my brains. Yet of all concepts and mysteries out there, time traveling has always been one of my top interests.


Now, recent discoveries on quantum physics and the Higgs field have come to ignite in me a wave of thoughts and conjectures which – in my mind at least – have opened the door to time travel. If not in the widely accepted form of physically traveling back in time to meet and greet the dinosaurs, by establishing some very raw form of  communication between our present – which will eventually transform into our past – and our future.

Just think about it for a second. What if we could really interact with our future, and our past?

Like I said, this interaction could not go back in time any further than when it becomes fully operational. Since it requires both a “sender” and a “receiver”, the time travel experiment I am proposing will not be able to send any kind of information to any point in time prior to its setup.

In many ways, I guess we could compare this experiment to the early days of long distance communication with the electrical telegraph in the 19th Century. You simply couldn’t contact any place other than the other telegraph station at the end of the wire.


1.  The Higgs field is out there granting mass to almost anything interacting with it.

2. Photons are one of two particles (that we know of) capable of traveling through the Higgs field without interacting with it.

3. The speed of Earth around the solar system is constant, as well as the speed of our Solar System traveling through space.

4. We know our Earth’s coordinates in space, both past and future.

5. As we move through space, we leave an infinite tridimensional imprint on the Higgs field. One that can be traced back and forward in time.

6. Passing through the Higgs field unnoticed, photons should be the only particles capable of interaction with our future and past imprints in space.


So, what if we send a beam of photons to the exact location we know we will be in the future, then send it back to the exact location we know we have been?

Will it reach its destination?


Take for example the 4 Lasers Guide Star Facility at Paranal Observatory in Chile, run by the European Southern Observatory (ESO). This laser beam is used to create an artificial star above Paranal to assist the adaptive optics instruments on the Very Large Telescope (VLT), helping astronomers to overcome the blurring effect of the atmosphere and obtain images almost as sharp as would be possible if the whole telescope were placed in space, above Earth’s atmosphere.

This array is composed of 4 SodiumStar – High-power guide star laser @ 589 nm, supplied by German laser manufacturer Toptica back in 2016.

We have the tools, now let’s make it serve a different purpose. Let’s place a detection sensor in the right place of the Earth, and stream a beam of photons its way through time.

Experiment's design

Because of the inclination angle of our Solar System and its traveling direction and speed with relation to the center of our Galaxy, we can assert our Earth’s movement through space describing a “falling” pattern from top to bottom.,_Earth_and_Moon_around_the_Milky_Way.jpg

Think about holding a tennis ball in your hand, then letting it go in super slow motion. The closer to your hand represents today, while tomorrow is about 10 centimeters away from it as it continues to fall into the ground. Every 10 centimeters farther from your hand represents another day in time. In this sense, the location of “today” is above its location of tomorrow.

Earth being the tennis ball in the aforementioned example, if we wish to communicate between “days” we would require the capability to send and receive information both from “above” and “below” the Earth’s Equator, or both hemispheres.

The northern hemisphere’s station will then be able to send and receive information from the past, or “above”, while the southern hemisphere’s station will then be able to process information from the future, or “below”.


1. Setup two fully equipped communication stations, one on each Hemisphere.

2. Send a beam of photons (via laser) from the southern hemisphere to the exact location we know the receiving end in the northern hemisphere will be in 48 hours time. (Distance to cover for a 48 hours ahead time is about 40,000,000 kilometers).

3. We receive said beam of photons in 48 hours time, then send it back 24 hours into the past, to the exact location we were back then.

For illustration purposes only. Not to scale.

So, from a linear point of view, the time travel experiment would be doing the following:

1. Sending a beam today

2. Receiving a beam from the future tomorrow

3. Receiving a beam from the past the day after tomorrow

Imagine for a moment this hypothesis to be true. It would be for our generation what telegraph was for the 19th Century. And I mean it almost literally for if we succeed, we would then be able to send more complex messages using nothing more than morse code to communicate with our future and back.


Before we start getting excited about uploading our consciousness into a beam of photons and streaming it into the future, let’s start by bullet proofing the time travel experiment as it stands today

For the time being, I’m reaching out to as many astrophysicists as possible for them to read this entry and give me some feedback about its feasibility.

Nevertheless, I’ve always welcomed any type of feedback on my different endeavors: The more the merrier! So your comments and opinions are of great value for this time travel experiment. Feel free to express yourself, leave your comment below and share this entry with friends and family too!

Once we have properly armored the theoretical part of the time travel experiment and it has been vetted by field experts, we will start raising funds for it and  – fingers crossed – stream that beam of photons when ready.

I will be writing a new entry whenever I can get a hold of an expert and pitch them the experiment, so keep your eyes open for news about this time travel experiment.

Any change to this experiment will be detailed here as it unfolds, hoping this make fertile grounds for new and exciting ways of figuring out time travel soon.

In the meantime, let’s keep reaching for the stars…


Bernardo Yela

October 31st, 2022

Contact Form Demo (#3)